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Author Archive

Generation of a hybrid DSMC/CFD solution for gas mixtures with internal degrees of freedom

Stephani, K., Goldstein, D., and Varghese, P., “Generation of a Hybrid DSMC/CFD Solution for Gas Mixtures with Internal Degrees of Freedom” AIAA paper 2012-0648 presented at the AIAA ASM, Nashville, Jan. 2012.

Io’s eclipse emission spectrum following unbral ingress

Trafton. L., Moore, C., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P., McGrath, M., “Io’s eclipse emission spectrum following unbral ingress,” poster 2254, Annual AAS mtg., Austin, Jan., 2012.

Simulation of a comet impact on the Moon and associated ice deposition in polar cold traps

Stewart, B., Pierazzo, E., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P. and Trafton, L., “Simulation of a comet impact on the Moon and associated ice deposition in polar cold traps,” Icarus, v. 215, Issue 1, Sept. 2011, pp. 1-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2011.03.014

Cometary Delivery of Lunar Water: A Parametric Study

Prem, P., Pierazzo, E., Stewart, B.D., Goldstein, D.B., Varghese, P.L. and Trafton, L.M., “Cometary delivery of lunar water: a parametric study“, poster at 4th NLSI Lunar Science Forum, July, 2011, awarded third place in NLSI Student Poster Competition. [Poster]

Application of Bayesian statistical methods for the analysis of DSMC simulations of hypersonic shocks

Strand, J. and Goldstein, D.”Application of Bayesian Statistical Methods for the Analysis of DSMC Simulations of Hypersonic Shocks’’ AIAA 2011-3705 paper presented at the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Mtg. Honolulu, June 2011.

Parametric study of hypersonic boundary layer flow over discrete surface roughness using a Hybrid DSMC/Navier-Stokes Solver

Stephani, K., Goldstein, D., and Varghese, P., “Parametric Study of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Flow over Discrete Surface Roughness Using a Hybrid DSMC/Navier- Stokes Solver’’ AIAA paper 2011-3250 presented at the AIAA Fluid Dynamics Mtg. Honolulu, June 2011.

Hybrid model of gas/particle plume of Enceladus

Chapman, T., Yeoh, S., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P., and Trafton, L., “Hybrid model of gas/particle plume of Enceladus,” abstract and poster at March 2011 LPSC Mtg., Houston TX.

Monte Carlo Solution of the Boltzmann Equation Via a Discrete Velocity Model

Morris, A., Varghese, P., Goldstein, D. “Monte Carlo Solution of the Boltzmann Equation Via a Discrete Velocity Model.” J. Computational Physics, 230, #4, Feb. 2011.

DNS of Surface Textures to Constrain the Growth of Turbulent Spots

Strand, J., Goldstein, D., “Direct numerical simulations of riblets to constrain the growth of turbulent spots,” J. Fluid Mechanics, 668, Feb. 2011, pp. 267-292, DOI: 10.1017/S0022112010005033.

Sensitivity analysis for DSMC simulations of high-temperature air chemistry

Strand, J. and Goldstein, D. “Sensitivity Analysis for DSMC Simulations of High- Temperature Air Chemistry,” AIAA paper 2011-0535 presented at the AIAA ASM, Orlando, Jan. 2011.